First Pre jury

IMG_2481 (1)

First of all, I want to say that before the jury, we had already made three 3D construct which based on relations in terms of changing variations. Upon that, we were assigned to work as a group of 4 people and make a 3D construct that is a combination of relations and variations that benefit from each members’ previous construct. Also, we used 4 type of element that which every member used in her previous model.

At the beginning, we started to consider proportions and alignment, tried to move on that way. We moved like we had units which includes the combination of the elements in proportional way and in each unit we change these proportions to make variation, but after the critics we realized that we moved in wrong way. We applied our rule in random way and this is the big mistake about our construct . We understood that just saying, changing the ratio and create alignments is not enough to describe variations, we should decide on some operations to create variations in controlled and related way than define it in a detailed and accordance with certain rules. At the end of this beneficial critic, we revised our construct.

We started to apply a certain operation such as move-rotate, shift and changing intervals. These units represent our operations which were used for making different variations and changing relations. For example, as a move we applied shifting and rotated the elements according to a rule which was valid for each unit. Although we had a regular and definable operation, we had still a chain problem, we couldn’t fix these problem. However, if you can show that you are aware of what you try to achieve and  explain your operations, the way of applying the rule that you created when you are against the jury, this make what you did more successful and understandable.

From my aspect, working with a group has both positive and negative sides. I can say that, it is good to make some brainstorming with every member’s idea and suggestion. Thanks to that, we can combine the ideas and make a simple start on construct. Moreover, this leads to produce various ideas that can speed up the process of design. However, sometimes thoughts of your group members may not make sense to you. At this point, we can’t move on the construct, so that it causes to waste of time and stress. Even so, I prefer to work with group because distribution of duty provide us to move on controlled and easy. Furthermore, every member can know some different details and clues which is also beneficial for our rapid improvement.

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