Orthographic Drawing



An orthographic drawing represents a three-dimensional object in two dimension. It is also known as an orthographic projection.

In ARCH111 course, we learned how we are going to draw the things in an orthographic way. Then we were assigned to draw an orthographic projection of our drawing table in studio from three different views such as top, front and side. The scale of the drawing should have been 1/10 and angle had to be 30 degree.

Before I started the drawing, I tried to understand the parts of the table and started to measure it. It was difficult because there were so much details in table also it has an angle that also increase the complexity. In addition, there were a lot of invisible parts that we have to draw also.  It took lots of hour because of my fault. I tried to measure every measurement of table but just measuring the top view part enough to draw the other sides, I have to just carry them with reference lines.

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