Pre Jury

This was the first jury of the second term. Again this time, there was a peer evaluation. We all listened to each other and took notes for our own group members construct, then we graded.

For the jury, we were present our improved form of the first assignment series. Until the jury week, we developed our construct according to the critics. We were assigned to produce a complex structure that includes various spatial experiences and their relationships. We still considered the human scale and the concept was about experiencing the various spaces in varying scales that Han can experience. Again, in the process of the project I determined a strategy that shows my design idea. The strategy was providing the continuity and increasing the interaction between spaces. In order to achieve that, I used some openings, semitransparent elements and thicker planar elements.

Openings: In order to provide the continuity and increase the relation between spaces more.

Transparent elements: In order to provide and increase the visual relationships, the semitransparent elements were used in various transparency levels.

Thicker planar element: Han can experience the thickness in various spaces.

Additionally, we were also expected to produce a diagram and draw two sections.




Zoom In / Development Process

   This was the studio work of the construct, which we produce as a group in previous step. This time we chose a part of the construct and zoomed in. We worked on this zoom in part and we try to vary it according to spatial qualities.



Development of The Zoom In Part

  At this stage, individually, we started to develop our zoom in parts and revise it according to the critics. In the end, we had to come up with a complex structure.

  Firstly, I decided on a strategy and started to think on some design ideas, methods that explain my strategy. For the first construct, I don’t exactly know about how I am going to control the mass and transparent elements correctly but I tried. This is the first construct that I produced.



  For the second stage, I still continued to develop the construct. After some useful critics I understood how I should use the transparency quality of the element. Also I decided to use thicker planar element. This time I used the thicker element by intersecting. Besides I tried to increase the feature of enclosure.


   For the third stage, I achieved more close and definable spaces, also I provided the construct that was more complex than the others. Besides, in order to benefit from the potential of the thicker element, I enlarged it and accepted it as an exception.

  Throughout this whole process, I can say that, I discovered new things, started to develop and produce faster and I really enjoyed. The first reason is;  I started to be more aware of what I am producing and I started to control the design process. One of the other reason is; I was allowed to use some different materials and qualities that give me various opportunities in the design process.

Han In The Space

    After the first assignment critic, for the second stage of the construct, we revised it and this time we tried to consider the hierarchy of the elements and used different features and materials that we have not used before. For instance, we tried to use thicker elements and transparent elements, but at first, we didn’t really know how we should use them, use their potential. We are learning by trying.


        🛉                                                               🛉

   In the third step, we were expected to study with ‘human scale’. It means that, we have to study with the varying scales while considering the human scale. We decided on a single scale of human figures that we called as ‘Han’ and revised our second step construct in terms of the space, according to that fixed human scale. On the other hand we can stand the human figure in every axes. Besides, we had considered the singularity-plurality condition of the human experience.


First AutoCAD Trial // Elevation Drawing

What is an elevation drawing?

   An elevation is a drawing that shows the front or side of the building. With the help of the elevation drawing we can reach more information rather than the plan drawing. For instance, we can see the things that are not seen in the plan drawing.






We made a quick start to AutoCAD. After we learned some tools and features of the AutoCAD, we were expected to draw the Elevations’ of our research building in their original scale.

At first it was hard in terms of controlling the lines according to each other and multiple layers that are for every different part of the building, but after a while, when I started to get used to it, it was getting more manageable.