Plan Drawing

What is plan drawing?

Plan drawing is an orthographic projection of a three-dimensional object, for example a building. Also we can say it is a section viewed from the top. With the help of plan drawing we can understand the space configuration within the building.

This is the plan of our research building, that I have drawn in 1/100 scale. With the help of this plan drawing I can comprehend nature of  spaces in the building.



Think Pink

In this studio session, this time we studied with new materials such as balsa sheet, XPS, various types of sticks etc. Before that studio session, we learned what is modelling, how we can model something and give some information about it in an abstract manner. Then, we started to use XPS that is a foam material and it is used for thermal insulation. We gave some shapes, create some curved surfaces on the XPS with the help of an emery.

One of the most enjoyable part was there was no limitations. Without any rule, limitation or requirement, we just produce some designed things and we experienced this new material under the title of modelling.

Here is my study

