Conceptual Model // Exhibition

Throughout the whole term, we studied on a comprehensive project that included some drawings and collages. Some of them were drawn in AutoCAD and some of  were produced by hand-drawing. In addition to this, we were expected to produce an abstract model of the building. This conceptual model should had not a representation of the building. It had to include our interpretations that were both related with its outstanding features and certain spatial qualities.

At the very first beginning, we produced a model that was not too much abstract. Actually we made the almost same building with some few eliminations but after many critics that we get from our instructors, we constantly changed and developed our model. While we were constituting the abstract idea of the building, we studied with the plan of the building. We made a structural abstraction of the building. At the end, we produced the abstract model. In addition to these,  we made a poster that include all the drawings, expressive collage and some explanations.


First version of the model


Final version of the model

Finally, we made an exhibition that included all conceptual models and posters of each group. We created the exhibition environment on our studio floor that everyone can visit. In the exhibition, both the all posters and models look successful and well designed. So that, we had a chance to observe how much everyone produced rich and informative things.


Second Pre Jury // A Study In Pink

After a long study of both mapping and the field with XPS, the second pre jury came as expected. Firstly, I want to explain something about the process that how we reach that point. After our ‘The Field’ study(that we produced with XPS), we divided our field into three part. We chose one from our own piece and took another two field from different person. Then, we were expected to merge(come together) the three of the field and the Hans’ spaces construct according to our own strategy. So, the aim was developing a strategy to define method of coming together. While they were coming together, both should have changed each other according to strategy and new situation. They both involved in terms of experiences. We were re-designing the spaces, spatial experiences. While we decided on our strategy we can refer to the previous studies which was related with the text study. Besides, we should have decided on some strategic design decisions while we were referring some statements, verbal explanations. Apart from the big scale strategy, we have to develop some scenarios that explains how the field, spatial experiences and at the end the strategy was developed.

When we come to my study, firstly I started with analyzing the fields that I have, in terms of its features, potentials etc. Then I made some researches about the explanations and verbs in the text study. I really forced and spend much time  while I was trying to find a proper strategy, because finding some strong overall strategies was the most difficult part of this study. Explaining and defining the situation in just one or two words, that goes in the both field and construct need over thinking more than enough. At the end, I decided on a strategy and find some scenarios and definitions about how the field pieces and the spaces come together.


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Until the pre jury, we passed through a very exhausting process. In last week, I stayed awake almost till morning everyday and I had sleepless a lot but I think it was worth. I learned a lot of significant things and got some valuable critics in terms of how I can develop my idea, what I should do or avoid.

Perspective Drawing

There are three types of perspective drawing which are, one-point, two-point and three-point perspective. It is like an illusion on 2D surface.

For this assignment, we focused much more on two point perspective and we drew our pre jury construct. In two point perspective we should consider some important techniques while we are drawing. For instance at first, we should define the horizon line, stand points and vanishing points. There are two vanishing points – right vanishing and left vanishing point – on the horizon line and horizon line represents the viewer’s eye, sight line. Besides, we have two standpoints that all the lines are sent to it from the corner of the element. Then decided on which is sent to right or left vanishing point.


The Field

After many studies about multi-layered mapping, we started to produce a field from XPS, that consisted of three layer and it should have included some information about Seğmenler Park. So the aim is producing an abstract field with the help of the qualified information that was in 25 layered map, not directly symbolizing or representing something in the park.  For instance, we should avoid using the cardboard pieces or sticks  as an element that located on the XPS , that are representation of the sound, wind, human etc.

  • By the way, XPS has a potential to give some shapes that are hard to produce with cardboards. Therefore, at first I understood that, actually our instructors wanted to see more curved shapes rather than the orthogonal feature on our field and they wanted from us to create more organic forms which include more information at the same time.
  • The instructors want to see always changes in the field in almost every step, because actually, it increases the complexity of the field and that was expected as always.

At first, I took some of information from our map and I started to think on how I am going to merge these information and transfer over the XPS. I tried to give more than one information on the parts that I produced from the material. For instance, in some parts I considered its thickness, length and width, as different information.



Lastly, I can say that producing curves with the XPS, was not as easy as I thought. It takes too much time and you should make an effort more than enough. On the other hand, one of the biggest challenge is about craftmanship. I couldn’t give much proper and smooth shapes.

Exploded Section Drawing

What is exploded section drawing?

  It was kind of axonometric drawing which shows the parts of the building in a detailed manner.

  We divided the building into three parts from the plan than we drew them with the techniques of the axonometric drawing. Then we hatched the cut parts.

exploded axo

We Are in the Field

After our short break, we immediately started to new study which was about the multilayered mapping. For this multi-layered map we were assigned to observe and analyse the parks that are in the city.

*Essentially, it was an abstract documentation of the place.

It was a group work and we were one of the group that studied Seğmenler Park. In the park, we should observe the various experiences with all the characteristics and experiences that relate to time, space, elements, relationships and etc. So it was actually very detailed study. At first, we couldn’t understand exactly what we should do or how can we interpret and then draw the park in terms of experiences, but after some researches and brainstorming, we reached the idea about how we can draw it. At first, we thought we should make categorizes that was about the characteristics about the park that affect and shape the human experiences such as visual relations, texture differences, circulation, sound, wind and etc. We studied each categorizes on different sketch papers and overlapped them. So that, we could see the all properties together. This was the aim of the study. On the other hand we draw many sections and sketches to show various and changing experiences throughout the park.

                                        This was the part that we studied in the park.



For this mapping study, we had to go to Seğmenler three days a week. Therefore, Seğmenler was no longer just a park for me. It made much more sense to me. Nevertheless, I can really say, I had fun while I was doing it because it gives me a chance to study outside and observing in a different perspective.