Final Jury

After a long study process since the second pre jury, the final jury was done. We continued the same process and developed our field study,  until the final.  Addition to the construct, I drew some sections and prepared  poster for the final jury.

For the final, I kept my strategy, scenario and some tactics same, just added some new design decisions. My strategy is allowing the contrast by providing continuity. The contrast relates with the characteristics of the field parts. I have the field parts that one of has gradually changing and other has sharply changing feature. Therefore, according to that quality, I developed a scenario that was about the spaces. In the field part which has gradual changes, include spaces that has visual relations in various levels. In other words, I changed the degree of visual relation to achieve more various visual relation. In sharply changed part, there are also variations in terms of visual relation but the degree of it is not change. The linear elements and semi transparent elements have a role on the visual relation. The linear elements belong to the field, are part of the field and they create  forms. To achieve various levels in visual relation, I changed the sequence of the linear elements, also, I used semi transparent elements with and without the linear forms (overlapping condition) and changed their transparency levels too.


On the other hand, the most important condition is flow. There is a flow in the construct. I tried to achieve flow of the continuous spaces. The flow is provided with a given HINT. The construct take that hint from where the two field part come together. The construct take that hint from the openings and thicker planar elements. So that, the construct can not spread all the field parts.


Besides, the other forms that belong the field and consist of the planar elements help to provide the continuity. Additionally, the individual spaces have a texture, Han can stand on the texture and the field gives a reaction when it see the texture.


                                                      This is the poster of the final


Apart from this, I am very happy to achieve my goal and end it up this term and the final much better than I expected. I am very glad to get the results of my studies.



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