Case Study // ADS

After the architectural survey,  we encountered with something new, that is called ADS. We started to talk about what is an ADS and how we are going to prepare it.

ADS is the shortened version of Accordion Drawing Sketchbook. With the help of this accordion form we can add pages as we need. Therefore, it allows to integrate our drawings continuously. In parallel to this, in order to prepare an ADS we were expected to make a case study that we all familiar from the previous term.

Here is the link of my previous case study.      Case Study

So, what is the case study?

Case study is a research method that include detailed examinations on the study subject. For the case study, we were assigned to make research on the list, that include some libraries and small-scale public buildings from different architects. We were expected to make analysis, observations and interpretations on these. While we were doing this, we have to focus on external and internal dynamics, spatial and architectural characteristics of the each building. Besides, we should also focus on some themes like border conditions, continuity-discontinuity, movement, tectonics etc., that will help us to make interpretive comparisons on the buildings.

We should present our researches, interpretations through plan, section, axonometric drawings and various diagrammatic sketches.


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