Judith Turner-Architectural Photographer

This is the midterm presentation of the Techniques of Architectural Photography course. We were expected to focus on one photographer and select some images of this photographer, and contextualize them, analyze their formal qualities and make some interpretations on them.

I prepare my presentation about Judith Turner, who is an architectural photographer and become one of the prominent in the world. She has a unique approach in seeing and photographing architecture. . Rather than photographing and documenting the buildings as they are, she focuses on the details. Instead of the overall building, her photos consist of small fragments of buildings. On the other hand, ambiguity is the main characteristic of her works; solids can be perceived as voids, curved forms flatten or distorted scales can be observed.

 “The subject is decomposed and recreated, assuming a new meaning.”

 J. Turner

Modern architecture and its characteristics had an effect on photography of Turner. Her exploration of Modernism become forward. She influenced the concept of abstraction. She emphasized the relation between Modernist architecture and photography that both are based on abstract form and this has been the dominant characteristic of Turner’s work.

Some parts from my presentation


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Pre Jury II

With the new, unexpected conditions due to the Covid-19, the second pre jury took place online. We were very worried and stressed about this condition because we don’t know about how the things work from now on, can we adapt ourselves to this condition and continue to work with the excitement and efficiency same as the beginning. The things we should do started to take much more time. However, this condition was not too challenging for the online jury.

For the second pre-jury we were expected to indicate our design decisions and strategies on the program, approach to the site; sizes and quantities of dwellings, social and shared activities; ratios between different user groups; dimensions of living units, in relation with the site analysis.

As the new approach, instead of using the natural valley at the topography we decided to create and alternative crack-valley- from north-east to the south-west point with a new flow of green, connecting the Loft part to the Nokta buildings. In addition, we define the impact zone that I mentioned in previous posts, which help us to decide on the form of the plates, and then we made the initial programmatic division of the layers.



For the first time we tried to study 1/200 plan detail and tried to integrate our units into the plates that is a challenging part. Because of the curvilinear peripheries, we questioned about how the units come together, how they are located at the plates and create an integrated whole. We always discussed that, we have to ensure that the four unit types that we designed should not be stand at the plates as they are thrown.


This visual shows the shadow condition


Architectural Photography

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In this four of the photograph I discussed the relationship between verticality and horizontality. We can notice that, the relation of vertical lines and horizontal lines come forward and create a 2D composition in some of them. Besides, we can also talk about the reverse condition and reflection.


At the architectural photography course, we had the lecture from Asst. Dr. Beril Kapusuz. In one part of the presentation she mentioned to the reframing (kadrajlama) and she showed her works. For the next week lecture, I decided to work on reframing with the photographes that I took. It is a concept about rethinking the photograph, which consist of different layers. From my view, the idea is focusing the different parts of the one photograph and producing new photographs from them. When we do this, we can not understand that they actually belong to one photograph.

This is my work under the title of reframing.

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