Finally Final Jury

Finally, everything is over about Arch101 and the great day came. This was my first final jury experience. It was a very tiring and stressful process, and it was an important experience for me.

For our final jury we had to continue to work on our pre jury model. We had to improve our pre jury construct. For that, after pre jury we started to get critics in our studio sessions throughout the two-week. In this two-week we revised and developed our constructs constantly according to the critics. I think this process was very important for the preparation to the final jury, because we learned a lot of things from the each instructors. For instance, about our strategies, tactics, patterns and the way that how we apply them. Besides, we also learned, how we should use sticks, sticks and planar elements together, what is the aim of the sticks and potential of them etc. (Even after thousands of critics, we had still problem with the use of sticks)

For my final jury construct, my advantage is I didn’t have to change much of things. I just changed a little part of my pattern, but it was not too difficult. I didn’t change my strategy, I still apply dense and sparse concept. I changed the degree of density gradually according to intersection numbers and intervals. For that, I benefit from the catalogue that we made for pre jury and final jury with the whole studio. It was beneficial for us because we can get some ideas, methods that related with our strategy. We can see which operations that other students apply to achieve the concepts.

On the other hand, we had to prepare a poster that include our diagram, partial axonometric drawing or scheme and orthographic drawings of our constructs. The poster design is also important. It should be well designed.


Additionally, this year our instructors applied a different method for the final jury. It was a peer-evaluation jury. That means, this time we evaluated each other and our instructors just listened us. Instructors constituted  five group. Each group include 18 student and one instructor. For example, each 18 student evaluated me and I evaluated the 18 student. Each student explained their constructs in maximum 3 minutes. After the presentations we asked our questions about the constructs to our group friends and at the end we marked each group member. But of course, our all instructor also evaluate every project after the peer-evaluation.


I want to add something that is very unbelievable, interesting for me and made me very happy. Although I left the studio at night during almost two-week, I never stayed awake all night even one day and still I completed everything on time. I think that was a great achievement. But of course there’s a price for everything, I got sick and because I could not take time to rest I got worse and I lost my voice. I had to tell my project with a very bad voice:(

Last Step Before Final


This was our other pre jury that we worked as individual this time. At first I was very nervous about preparing alone because I thought even if there were some negative sides of working with group, you were not the one that think and produce something. Whatever, I knew that from now on we will frequently prepare to juries alone, so I have to get used to this situation.

This time we were expected to work with some important terms that we used and learned them in previous assignments. We could use: integrated / fragmented, homogenous / heterogeneous, centralized / decentralized, continuous / discrete, condensed / dispersed, uniform / diverse, permeated / isolated, dense / sparse

Firstly, we had to choose one of these concepts to use it as a strategy in our models. I chose dense and sparse and my strategy was going gradually dense to sparse-changing the degree of density- Apart from the strategy we also had to determine some tactics, variation of tactics to achieve strategy. Therefore, I created variations of tactics with the help of some operations that we learned new. These new operations are; tear and fold, d-extrude, split, stretch, extrude and addition. I used almost all of these operations except extrude but with its variations, so that I also create pattern which also we were expected to show. Additionally we made a diagram and drew an orthographic projection of our model.





I want to start with a meaning of loop. According to Oxford Dictionary, the meaning of loop is: ‘A structure, series, or process, the end of which is connected to the beginning.’

For this assignment, we were expected to design a 3D loop by applying some series of operations to the planar elements and produce a flaw chart of the loop. We should focus on series of operations rather than individual relationship of elements. Therefore, first of all I tried to avoid primary relations and create secondary, tertiary relations between the planar elements. After I create some relations with the help of  series of operations between the planar units, I named them as A, A’(A prime), B, B’ etc. For example A and A’ was variations of each other. When all A, A’,B,B’s come together within a specific rule they constituted the pattern. I tried to continue the pattern without breaking it and I represented my pattern in the flaw chart.

Flaw chart is different from the diagram, diagram is more abstract and visual explanation of the construct but flaw chart is a verbal explanation of it. That means, when someone just look at the flaw chart without looking at the construct, he or she must be able to make it.

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At the second stage, we made this loop with the linear elements(sticks). Actually, it was a big challenge for us because at first, as a whole studio, we did not know how we will use and put together the linear elements. Although we got some critics about the linear elements, I still could not figure out how to use it for a long time.

Polyrhythmic Grid

Actually the term is polyrhythmic is used in music but  there is a connection between architecture, because rhythm is also used in architecture. Rhythm is a form of repetitions, it keeps the structure moving, so polyrhythms are composed of several rhythmic patterns to produce a complex result even if the parts are simple. At first I really forced to understand what the polyrhythms, how I can produce. So, it took long time and need to deal on that to understand clearly. At the first stage, we were expected to search on polyrhythm and grid things than produce a polyrhythmic grid. As you can guess, at studio day, there were a lot of colorful project on critic table, but most of them were wrong as usual. However, after many discussion and fun moment which we set up an orchestra and made polyrhythms with using hand claps, it became more clear. After that we discuss how we apply this polyrhythm on grid. We can use the grids to show polyrhythm. There are many alternative way to overlap grids to make a variation, repetition while producing polyrhythms.   Than our second assignment was producing a series of polyrhythmic grids that are going simple to more complex. We to draw it on sketch paper.

These are my trials.


First Pre jury

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First of all, I want to say that before the jury, we had already made three 3D construct which based on relations in terms of changing variations. Upon that, we were assigned to work as a group of 4 people and make a 3D construct that is a combination of relations and variations that benefit from each members’ previous construct. Also, we used 4 type of element that which every member used in her previous model.

At the beginning, we started to consider proportions and alignment, tried to move on that way. We moved like we had units which includes the combination of the elements in proportional way and in each unit we change these proportions to make variation, but after the critics we realized that we moved in wrong way. We applied our rule in random way and this is the big mistake about our construct . We understood that just saying, changing the ratio and create alignments is not enough to describe variations, we should decide on some operations to create variations in controlled and related way than define it in a detailed and accordance with certain rules. At the end of this beneficial critic, we revised our construct.

We started to apply a certain operation such as move-rotate, shift and changing intervals. These units represent our operations which were used for making different variations and changing relations. For example, as a move we applied shifting and rotated the elements according to a rule which was valid for each unit. Although we had a regular and definable operation, we had still a chain problem, we couldn’t fix these problem. However, if you can show that you are aware of what you try to achieve and  explain your operations, the way of applying the rule that you created when you are against the jury, this make what you did more successful and understandable.

From my aspect, working with a group has both positive and negative sides. I can say that, it is good to make some brainstorming with every member’s idea and suggestion. Thanks to that, we can combine the ideas and make a simple start on construct. Moreover, this leads to produce various ideas that can speed up the process of design. However, sometimes thoughts of your group members may not make sense to you. At this point, we can’t move on the construct, so that it causes to waste of time and stress. Even so, I prefer to work with group because distribution of duty provide us to move on controlled and easy. Furthermore, every member can know some different details and clues which is also beneficial for our rapid improvement.

3D Constructs

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This is my first 3D construct assignment. In this assignment we were expected to produce 3D constructs which had to be their variations. We could use different types of element. In addition, there should have been a relation between the elements which composed one construct and also each 3 construct.

At first, I had no idea what I’m going to do or what I should do. Then, I started to think, how can I create a relationship and variation between elements and I decided to utilize from proportion. I had 6 element in each construct. I used square and 2 type rectangular. I produced my constructs by making changes in the proportions.

At the end I still had doubts and fear about it. Because at the end, each 3 construct looked alike. Besides, I thought that I couldn’t understand clearly, how I can make different variations in terms of relations, but after the critics and grading, I understood that even if just a bit, I could approached the basic logic of it.


Also, this is my diagram of the 3D constructs. In this diagram, I wanted to specify proportions. Therefore, I used different colored pencil to show them. On the other hand, I used also letters to specify my elements and their colors indicate the ratio that they were split. In addition, coloured lines specify the ratio of elements with each other.

Abstraction of Shadow


   This is my first post that related with my ARCH101 course. In the first week assignments that we are expected to take a picture of a surface which had shadow on it and then retake the same picture just in a different time -it has to be shadow of a built object- to make an abstraction on a tracing paper of these shadows and find some keywords related with abstraction. The third step of the assignment was a revision that we are expected to analyze and define the difference of two pictures with making a 2D composition with using 3 different colors of cartridge paper. In first composition I used grey one as a base and black in the second one, but it also integrated with my composition. Then I used other colors of cartridge paper to define some elements that can be seen clearly in abstraction. I took measurements of each part, cut and glued it. At the and I attached the 2 photograph on a white paper, found some appropriate keywords for my composition to make definitions and wrote down on it.