Final Jury

Here is the end of the online semester. It was a very tiring and wearing period both in terms of mentally and physically. At the very beginning, everything was more difficult and we had to keep up with this online system. Although we had some distressed and tough days, we had completed the period with in balance, harmony and always exciting approaches toward the project with my office.

Let’s continue with the final of the project. Since the beginning, we introduced ourselves as we are the ones, who create landscapes and generations and we aim to produce system that give birth to self-producible future. As Touché, we encourage the self-production and self-sufficiency. In relation, we have been trying to integrate the green into the living space on a large scale. We are trying to design a system that is self-sufficient, capable of producing and green. We aimed to achieve sustainable-green- living environment, vertical farming and mass customization.


Initially and briefly, as approaches, since we chose to study with the different medium in terms of form, we decided on the impact zones and started to produce the plates according to these impacts. Besides, we orient and locate the structure in the most efficient way to get benefit from the sunlight/daylight-especially to the agriculture layer-. In addition, we have the idea about creating a valley-crack-that is from north-east to southwest. We preserved the idea about three stages of green that start with the valley level, the greenest part and continue with the agriculture layer and then housing units with small reflections of the green areas.

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On the other hand, as you all know from the whole process, we want to create agriculture area-soil based farm where both young and elderly people can produce and consume their own foods together, and which is the collective space that create itself on the major scale. At the final stage, we revised the green strips in agriculture layer. We design a strip layout of the green, include the plants that are resistant to the harsh winter, and summer conditions. We predict that they are planted according to the season. On the other hand, because we design a soil based farm on the middle level, we have to consider the slab detail accordingly. We presented the detail slab section of the agriculture layer in the final. Apart from the agriculture layer, we preserved the idea about semi agriculture spaces from the very beginning, that two apartment can share. Besides, on one floor, we also create greenhouse areas as the reflection of the agriculture area.




As another point, we revised the structure system too. The form of the tubular columns changed. Rather than producing it with the same diameters, we determine various diameters this time in order to both increase the stability, efficiency of the sunlight and ventilation.


Thanks to our instructors and guest jury members, it was a very efficient, useful and enlightening final jury.








Jury Body Report

For this final jury I was the jury body of Doğa Öykü Önen. Her design strategy was based on the Voronoi principle. This principle mostly used in two dimensional designs but there are few examples that this principle was used in 3D.

The Voronoi diagram is built up of segments and lines which constitute the edges of Voronoi areas for each of the centers. The Voronoi area is defined for each center as a set of points on the plain which are closest to a given center.

Here is the links that you can reach to more information about her project

Doğa Öykü Önen-First Pre Jury

Doğa Öykü Önen-Second Pre Jury

Doğa Öykü Önen- Final Jury

According to the jury:

  • How did you end up with those each line in the plan?
  • How did you define and use several center?
  • While the reference which is came from the Qatar National Library turn and combine with the Voronoi principle, looses its qualities and not being a ‘reference’ anymore.
  • Its fragmental formation and the idea of the robotic books are the positive qualities and it has very potential. However, this fragmented condition might be allow the leakage more that permit the circulation between them.
  • The various function that are located seperately creates and exciting condition.
  • Being an experimental and also utopic library add excitement and potential to the project due to creating an alternative condition upon a library.
  • About the robotic book part: There might be another place for the returned books.
  • According to the model design: What should remain as a diagram should not turn to a model, the orange part shouldn’t reflected in the model. The material or the texture should be change, not the color.


Finally Final

The final jury came. It was the end of the second year. First of all, throughout this term, we studied on a project that is “Library In Reference”. We passed two pre jury before the final and throughout this process we constantly tried to develop our library design.

For the final process, I made some minor changes related with the design and started to focus mostly on the technical drawing part. I studied on the structural system of the building.

Related with my design process, firstly, since my site is in Mardin, I developed my design according to the climatic and environmental conditions of assigned information about Mardin. My design strategy begins with quoting the half-turn staircases of YKKS which I hadn’t changed it since the beginning of the project. This staircases located at the core of the structure with a surrounding spatial organization. This is the essential and dominant reference which give a shape to my strategy in the design.

In this organization there are two entrance. From the first entrance after the information desk part, people reach directly to the exhibited rare book(special collection) part which is act like a transition space and after they can reach to cafe. Then they get in the circulation. At the upper level firstly, for the seperation of the masses, I referred to the outdoor area of Seashore library which breaks the continuity between different spaces. There is a space for the children to study, read or entertain and other part that is in linear formation, reference of the VitraHaus and contain the digital sources. Since these parts facing to north and get the direct sunlight, also has the panoramic view, I referred to Helensvale librarys’ zigzag shaped glazed surfaces that protect the space from excessive sunlight and give a fragmented visual relation. At that point, the second entrance directly from this digital media part. Either people can choose to go to the exterior part and reach to the courtyard or get in the digital media space. For the other mass, I referred to one of the section of Seashore Library and transform it while still preserving its light conditions; and this space include the bookstacks and an elevated platform which is for studying and reading.

Here is my model and poster





Final Jury // GAPS

After the second pre jury, we started a much more intensive process for the final. For the final jury, I continued to work on my project and tried to develope it. I just made some minor changes and I mostly worked on the facade of the structure.

On the other hand, same as the second pre jury, we were expected to produce a mass model and section model, also a poster that include section drawings, plans and various diagrams.

1/100  Mass Model5













You can also look at these posts below to look over the whole process of the project:

Second Pre Jury

First Pre Jury

Final Jury

After a long study process since the second pre jury, the final jury was done. We continued the same process and developed our field study,  until the final.  Addition to the construct, I drew some sections and prepared  poster for the final jury.

For the final, I kept my strategy, scenario and some tactics same, just added some new design decisions. My strategy is allowing the contrast by providing continuity. The contrast relates with the characteristics of the field parts. I have the field parts that one of has gradually changing and other has sharply changing feature. Therefore, according to that quality, I developed a scenario that was about the spaces. In the field part which has gradual changes, include spaces that has visual relations in various levels. In other words, I changed the degree of visual relation to achieve more various visual relation. In sharply changed part, there are also variations in terms of visual relation but the degree of it is not change. The linear elements and semi transparent elements have a role on the visual relation. The linear elements belong to the field, are part of the field and they create  forms. To achieve various levels in visual relation, I changed the sequence of the linear elements, also, I used semi transparent elements with and without the linear forms (overlapping condition) and changed their transparency levels too.


On the other hand, the most important condition is flow. There is a flow in the construct. I tried to achieve flow of the continuous spaces. The flow is provided with a given HINT. The construct take that hint from where the two field part come together. The construct take that hint from the openings and thicker planar elements. So that, the construct can not spread all the field parts.


Besides, the other forms that belong the field and consist of the planar elements help to provide the continuity. Additionally, the individual spaces have a texture, Han can stand on the texture and the field gives a reaction when it see the texture.


                                                      This is the poster of the final


Apart from this, I am very happy to achieve my goal and end it up this term and the final much better than I expected. I am very glad to get the results of my studies.



Finally Final Jury

Finally, everything is over about Arch101 and the great day came. This was my first final jury experience. It was a very tiring and stressful process, and it was an important experience for me.

For our final jury we had to continue to work on our pre jury model. We had to improve our pre jury construct. For that, after pre jury we started to get critics in our studio sessions throughout the two-week. In this two-week we revised and developed our constructs constantly according to the critics. I think this process was very important for the preparation to the final jury, because we learned a lot of things from the each instructors. For instance, about our strategies, tactics, patterns and the way that how we apply them. Besides, we also learned, how we should use sticks, sticks and planar elements together, what is the aim of the sticks and potential of them etc. (Even after thousands of critics, we had still problem with the use of sticks)

For my final jury construct, my advantage is I didn’t have to change much of things. I just changed a little part of my pattern, but it was not too difficult. I didn’t change my strategy, I still apply dense and sparse concept. I changed the degree of density gradually according to intersection numbers and intervals. For that, I benefit from the catalogue that we made for pre jury and final jury with the whole studio. It was beneficial for us because we can get some ideas, methods that related with our strategy. We can see which operations that other students apply to achieve the concepts.

On the other hand, we had to prepare a poster that include our diagram, partial axonometric drawing or scheme and orthographic drawings of our constructs. The poster design is also important. It should be well designed.


Additionally, this year our instructors applied a different method for the final jury. It was a peer-evaluation jury. That means, this time we evaluated each other and our instructors just listened us. Instructors constituted  five group. Each group include 18 student and one instructor. For example, each 18 student evaluated me and I evaluated the 18 student. Each student explained their constructs in maximum 3 minutes. After the presentations we asked our questions about the constructs to our group friends and at the end we marked each group member. But of course, our all instructor also evaluate every project after the peer-evaluation.


I want to add something that is very unbelievable, interesting for me and made me very happy. Although I left the studio at night during almost two-week, I never stayed awake all night even one day and still I completed everything on time. I think that was a great achievement. But of course there’s a price for everything, I got sick and because I could not take time to rest I got worse and I lost my voice. I had to tell my project with a very bad voice:(